The Holiday Craze


The holiday season, life events, and general chaos have kept me away from writing. We are all busy, you say. I agree. Which is why I truly believe that something has to be wrong with me. Note the picture above. 

I was out running a crap ton of errands the other morning, including, but not limited to, dropping my daughter off at her dance studio, running into a dance store, shopping at a grocery store and taking some snacks to a friend who was moving that day. As I chatted with my friend over her harried day of boxes and moving trucks, she looked down and said, "Whoa, you are wearing two different shoes."

Then she felt really embarrassed for me. She was upset that she had said something, as if she were being rude. NO! If you see that I have lost my mind, PLEASE TELL ME. I could have gone the rest of the day without a clue. Looking back at conversations with shopkeepers, the dance moms, and other various strangers throughout the morning, I realize that I must have looked like an insane person.

The beauty of the whole situation is that these two shoes aren't even close. Sure, they are in the same general color family, but when I slipped them on blindly (apparently), why didn't I notice the different texture of these shoes? Or fit? Good heavens, one goes much further up the front of my foot than the other. And they are totally different fabrics and bottoms, and, well, everything.  

I am 100% sure I need medical attention.